Nathalie DiFrancesco

Nathalie DiFrancesco

Nathalie DiFrancesco


Faculty of Applied Health & Community Studies

Dr. Nathalie Di Francesco is a professor in the School of Education at Sheridan College.

She holds a B.A. in Psychology/min. Education (Concordia University), M.A. in Child Study (Concordia University) and a Ph.D. in Psychopedagogy (University of Ottawa).  Her experience in the field of ECEC in Ontario and Quebec, both in Francophone and Anglophone communities, ranges from early childhood educator, child care consultant, researcher and professor.

Teaching Interests

  • Developmental psychology
  • Child development, learning environments, observation and research methods used in early childhood

Research Interests

  • Environmental influences on young children’s development and play such as quality, learning environments and play materials, as well as the relationship between early childhood educators’ developmental knowledge and their practice.

Journal Articles

  • DiFrancesco, N., Schmid, R., Miodrag, N. (2008). A human-computer partnership: The tutor/student/computer triangle promoting the acquisition of early literacy skills..Journal of Research on Technology Education, 41(1), 63–84.


  • "Ontario Full Day Early Learning project". NSERC. $5,000. 2012.
    Nathalie DiFrancesco (Co-Principle Investigator), Nathalie Di Francesco, Nadia Breese, Shawn Lennie .

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